Thank you for your interest in being a host site for NOMCON! Each year, a different state will be selected to host the conference.


The following dates are subject to change. This site will be updated and notifications will be sent out for any major shifts. Any proposals received after the stated deadlines will only be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • 7 February 2022 - Applications Open

  • 3 April 2022 - Site Proposal Deadline

  • May 2022 - NOMCON 2023 Site Location Announcement

The proposal evaluation team will review each application and may reach out to proposal teams for clarification during the review process. Please respond to questions as soon as possible.


The process for selection will be made by a panel of conference curators evaluating each proposal’s strengths. The criteria include:

  • Equity of Access (costs of flying/driving, public transportation, and accessibility of accommodations)

  • Venue (in-kind vs. cost, size, accessibility, gender-neutral bathrooms, availability of sufficient reasonably priced nearby hotel, etc)

  • Not Usual Suspect for Conference Location (levels the playing field)

  • Critical Mass of Local Volunteer Support (collaborations between local makers)

  • Local Funding Support for Conference (financial and in-kind support from universities, foundations, companies, etc.)

  • Local Political and Government Support (local officials, agencies, and laws support makers and inclusive workplaces )

  • Interesting Non-Conference Experiences (local scene & scenery)

Questions? Contact trey (at) or drop a line in the #nomcon-of-the-future channel on the NoM Slack group!

**NOTE: If you have already submitted as host city for 2023 during the 2022 application form and period, your application will automatically be considered. If you wish to edit or update it, please email trey (at) for the copy submitted.